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Acceptable Age Gaps with Foreign Women - International Dating

A couple with an age gap sitting by the sea Foreign women are open to age gap relationships. Is a May-December romance for you?

Are you concerned that the foreign girl you are dating might be a tad too young for you? Or do you have reservations that the huge age gap between you and the woman of your dreams might be too big of a hurdle to overcome? So begs the question: What age gaps are acceptable when it comes to dating foreign women?

You’ve probably seen it over and over again - an elderly gentleman with silver locks, hand-in-hand with a lady anywhere from 15 to 30 years his junior. They seem happy enough, and you are convinced that there’s no reason your love life can’t go a similar route.

The reality is that a clear and wide age gap between two lovers is always going to raise a few eyebrows from curious spectators. In many ways, the real problem these couples face isn’t the gap itself, but rather the blowback from friends, relatives, and everyone else.

There isn’t any need to get discouraged, though. Like everything in life, there’s an upside and a downside. The age gap is not in any way insurmountable. But before getting into a relationship where there may be age issues, you may need to consider a few things.

What Matchmakers Think About Age Gaps

Many men employ the services of international matchmakers simply because it is the most efficient way to date foreign women. In this case, age gaps are nearly unavoidable. The women on these services can range anywhere in the 20’s to the 40’s in age.

What is an acceptable age difference between couples? Some matchmakers have expressed that the age gap of 7 to 10 years is common and perhaps a gap of 15 years or more may come with some challenges. For older men, matchmaking services are a better way to go. The advantage of hiring a professional matchmaker in the international dating scene is the opportunity for men to be better presented to the ladies. Instead of working out compatibility purely through trial and error, matchmakers are able to pair clients with potential matches wherein age isn't an issue or concern.

The Realities of the Age Gap

While you may be thinking glass half full, understanding the downsides and realities of age gaps in a relationship can help you deal with them.

It’s natural for people to seek relationship partners according to their own age group. Most women don’t grow up dreaming of a relationship with a much older man, but that doesn’t mean older men can’t give them what they want. There just needs to be a compromise.

An older man, for obvious reasons, has a very high probability of passing away much ahead of his younger wife, leaving her many years of potentially being partnerless. Another issue may be the ability to have biological children, although this may be more due to the woman’s age than the man.

A couple with a noticeable age gap dancing Age may be just a number, but there are limits too

Then there is dealing with criticism, especially from those closest to you. This has proven to be difficult for both the man and the woman. People tend to see women as being in an age gap relationship only for financial gain, and that men are only interested in a trophy wife.

These are harsh realities that can come to the most well-meaning of couples. In the end, these couples need to tune out the noise and focus on why they love each other. Remember, as long as you and your partner are consenting adults, the opinions of other people will remain just that - opinions.

Older Men Are More Attractive to Foreign Women

In the international dating scene, older men hold the advantage. Foreign women on average hold traditional views on relationships, gender roles, and family. Physical attractiveness is always on the side of youth, but good looks can only get you so far.

Ultimately, foreign women look to marry so they can settle down and raise a family.

Older men tend to be more stable in their careers. They tend to be looking to raise a family of their own and are done playing games. They appreciate old school women looking for a serious long-term relationship.

Younger women seek stability, both financially and emotionally. Older men hold the advantage in this department. They possess years of experience, wisdom, and fortitude, allowing them to provide the security and stability these women seek. Most likely, they are well ahead in their careers or business, and women who want to build a family realize how important financial stability is.

For older men, dating younger women, especially foreigners, can provide them the companionship and emotional fulfillment they need.

Looking at both sides, it seems like a perfect match. Age doesn’t even seem to factor in at all.

What Matters More Than Age Gaps

No matter how you slice it, compatibility will always be the number one determining factor for success in a relationship. This means having shared values, goals, and personality traits that compliment each other. Whether you’re 50 years older than your girlfriend or she is 35 years older than you, as long as you are compatible and in love, it shouldn't really matter.

In order for you to make your mark with foreign ladies, you need to make sure they see you for who you are regardless of your age. The first and foremost thing is to take care of your body, health, and presentation. Good grooming, hygiene, diet, and exercise can reduce age to simply being a number.

Ultimately, what attracts a younger woman to an older man is his personality. If you have the ability to make things interesting for any woman, you are capable of getting and keeping her attention. You can have all the money in the world, but true love and care aren’t built on attraction. There have been multiple stories of spouses with great age gaps. People believed that money was the reason these couples got together, but when the going went tough, when one of them was in the hospital or when one of them went through a crisis, they cared for each other unconditionally.

Age gaps will become an issue when you believe they are. If you feel that age is a non-factor in your ability to perform in the international dating scene, then by all means, it won’t be. In the end, it comes down to what you want in a relationship. That’s what matters most anyway.

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